Monday 16 October 2017

Effective Grease Trap Cleaning Services For Preventing Drain Clogging

 Grease Trap Cleaning Melbourne

Waste which accumulates in a grease trap needs to be removed regularly. Grease trap cleaning is essential to prevent clogging of the kitchen pipes and drain. For residents in Melbourne, grease trap cleaning can help in maintaining the drains and pipe in a good condition. It is advisable that the grease trap be inspected at least every three days and promptly cleaned when the contents show the top 30% of liquid depth occupied by greasy waste. For cleaning purposes examining the grease trap thus becomes essential.

Grease trap which are smaller in size may be cleaned with hand by scooping off the top waste layer into a water tight container or bag. The grease trap cleaning must be done at a time when the waste water is not passing through it. There must be actually no lumps left because they can cause clogging if left behind. The waste material must be handled with care and not spilt around. Safety barriers and warning signs must be put up near the grease trap during the cleaning process or afterwards. The grease trap area must be cleaned promptly and the area must be cleaned with disinfectant. The waste material must be disposed off properly and not down the drain. It is required to list the activities in a log book for record purposes.

As grease trap cleaning is an unpleasant job one may hire professional cleaning companies for waste removal. The cleaning frequency must be adequate so that the waste can be removed regularly. With grease trap cleaning the drains and pipes can be maintained in a good condition and there will be no waste sticking to the inner surface of pipes. Thus we see that grease traps are useful for preventing clogging of pipes and drains. For more information on grease trap cleaning in the Melbourne area visit company Nuflow Advanced Pty Ltd.